Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Little boys, a big boy, and honeysuckle

Yesterday afternoon (April 28, 2009)

What a whirlwind of backyard activity. I head outside with Henry and Neil so Parker can have some peace and quiet to get his work done. I have never seen Henry and Neil so busy in the backyard at the same time as today! Henry discovers he can climb up the slide, turn around and come back down--while Neil is heading up the steps and down the slide on his belly. At one point Henry says, " Mom, can you climb up the slide?" I say "sure." I do so, only to look behind me to see Neil trying to come up at the bottom of the slide. I'm stuck. What could I do but throw one leg over the piece of wood at the top of the slide and come down the steps. (I've tried going down the slide before and the 45 year old hips are a wee little wide.)

Then, on to a red wagon ride to our honeysuckle crop where Henry insists only the yellow ones are any good. Neil, is sitting patiently while Henry snacks on the blossoms--dodging the WWI bugle that Henry occasionally picks up to blow while in the wagon.

Out comes Parker with bat and ball (plastic I must add) ready for Mom to throw a few. With attention divided by three now, I do my best to keep everyone safe and happy. Parker, my ever-patient child, waits in between throws while I chase a baby. Neil decides to head for the tree house ladder. He can now easily get to the fourth rung very quickly, repeating "up, up" as he goes. Henry settles into the sandbox for a few sweet moments. Parker whacks the ball, keeping an eye out for his brothers with me.

Henry and Neil have an outside shower together, complete with Dad's shaving cream.

What tremendous joy to have them happy and healthy.


  1. What a terrific post! Thank you!

  2. So glad you are writing. I check it at least once a day. Love to all.

  3. I have a new blog to look forward to checking every day now! The posts make me smile and I even laughed outloud once. Actually, you guys are so active, it kinda makes me tired.....I think I need a nap.....

  4. I'm catching up on all your blogs, Irene! They make for great reading and lots of laughs! Just want to record for posterity that the old bugle belonged to Captain Owens next door to Dad (you used to visit Mrs. Owens often when you were Henry and Neil's age). He used the bugle in WWI. Love to you all, Marian
